Scientists discover modern “skin sickness” is wreaking havoc on people over 40

08 Sep 2024

Editorial by Nadine Davis, Cosmetic Chemist

Is your skin sick?

The skincare industry tells you that ageing is a natural part of life — and it definitely is.

But there’s a dirty secret they’re not telling you.

If you have any of the following 7 signs of ageing skin…

  1. Sagging
  2. Drooping
  3. Wrinkles
  4. Fine lines
  5. Dullness
  6. Enlarged pores
  7. Dryness

…they might not be caused by age, but something entirely different.

Scientists have recently discovered that the ageing process is often accelerated by a new-age “skin sickness”.

It’s heavily connected to the 21st-century toxins we expose ourselves to… and is rampant in people over the age of 40.

This sickness is mainly connected to an imbalance in the skin — one so harmful it causes most of your skin’s “youth functions” to shut down.

And curing this sickness has helped the real women I’m about to show you transform their skin, without invasive procedures or injectables.

Check out these transformations:

Amazing, right?

Well today, I’m revealing exactly what this skin sickness is, AND the special process you need to practice to cure it.

So you too can see a dramatic reduction in the look of wrinkles, thinning skin, uneven skin tone, and loss of firmness…

And start feeling more confident than you have in years!

So, are you ready to get started?

If you’ve picked up a health, wellness, or dieting book in the past decade…

Or, you’ve watched the news, talk shows, and even commercials…

You’ve probably heard about the gut microbiome — and for good reason.

The gut microbiome is made from trillions of bacterial organisms that influence almost every aspect of your health.

They help regulate digestion, boost your immune system, and have even been shown to influence your mood.

And if you think that’s impressive, wait ‘till you see what these little guys can do for your SKIN.

Recent research has shown that in addition to the trillions of bacterial organisms in your gut…

There are also over 1,000 different types1 of bacteria living on your skin in what’s called:

The Microbiome Layer

And this invisible layer of bacteria is responsible for how your skin LOOKS & FEELS.

These bacteria live on the very outer layer of your skin called the epidermis.

You can’t see them with the naked eye, but they’re there.

"Thousands of different bacteria live in what's called the microbiome layer, an "invisible" skin layer above the epidermis."

Now, if you’re like most people, you’ve probably heard that bacteria is bad — it causes acne, redness, irritation, and is generally unhealthy.

And for decades, skincare companies have been telling us to get rid of bacteria. That’s why there are thousands of “antibacterial” skincare products today.

But it's important to note not all bacteria is bad.

You see, scientists have recently been taking a closer look at the "good" bacteria that also lives on your skin…

And they've found that this type of bacteria protects both the epidermis and the skin layer below it, called the dermis, from dangerous environmental hazards, toxins, chemicals, and other foreign bacteria.

This is important, because the epidermis and dermis are where the skin's "rejuvenation functions" happen. It's where:

  • New skin cells are made to keep skin looking smooth & radiant
  • Collagen and elastin fibers are created to keep skin looking firm
  • Moisture is trapped inside to keep skin feeling hydrated & supple
  • And much more...

But if these basic functions are compromised — if there's a "cog" in the machine…

Signs of ageing like wrinkles, sagging, and uneven skin tone become more prominent.

And it won't matter how many creams, serums, and treatments you try…

Your skin won't look younger unless you fix the microbiome layer first.

But here's what scientists only recently discovered, and most people still don't know:

As you get older, the number of good bacteria, the "gatekeepers," in your microbiome shrinks. This is especially true if you're over 50, and here's why…

Remember how I said there's both good and bad bacteria in your microbiome layer?

Well, when you're younger, the balance between good and bad bacteria is maintained. But as you get older, this balance gets thrown out of whack…

The main reason for this is because your skin makes less sebum.

Sebum is a mixture of natural oils and dead skin cells — and it's what good bacteria eat.

Doing so helps 'unclog' the skin's top layer — so it stays radiant, smooth, and youthful…2

But when your body starts making less sebum, good bacteria have less to eat.

Not only does this make your skin look more dull and rough…

But it actually starves out3 good bacteria to the point where BAD bacteria take over and your skin becomes less resistant to foreign bacteria.

And this is where the trouble starts.

You see, scientists have found that bad bacteria don't just stay in the microbiome layer…

They secrete toxic enzymes that break down the skin's lower layers.4

That's a problem because one layer in particular, called the skin barrier, keeps MOISTURE in the skin.

And when there are HOLES in the skin barrier, moisture evaporates faster.

Without enough moisture, the skin shrivels up like a raisin.

And that makes it look and feel more wrinkled than if it were properly hydrated.

But a healthy skin barrier doesn't only keep moisture from escaping…

It also protects the skin layers beneath from harmful UV rays that can destroy skin cell DNA5

And weaken collagen and elastin molecules — two proteins responsible for keeping skin firm and supple.

And it doesn't stop at the skin barrier…

Other studies have shown that bad bacteria can even penetrate as deep as the dermis — a skin layer several layers below the skin barrier…

And one previously thought to be impermeable.6

So, you can clearly see how without enough gatekeepers to defend your epidermal and dermal layers from all those environmental hazards…

Your skin's internal "rejuvenation functions" can't run smoothly…

And functions like making new cells, building collagen & elastin fibres, and keeping vital moisture inside get slowed down.

But there is good news.

If you've been struggling with wrinkles, sagging, or discolouration — and nothing you've tried seems to work…

Fixing your microbiome layer CAN dramatically improve the look and feel of your skin — so you could start seeing smoother, firmer, brighter-looking skin in no time…

And the best part is — it's not hard to get these results.

In fact, you could get them without ever leaving your home.

How to FIX your skin's microbiome layer and regain a smooth, firm, youthful appearance

In order to fix your microbiome layer you need to feed the existing good bacteria.

This helps them get STRONGER – so they can outnumber the bad guys.

Once you do this, the good bacteria in your microbiome layer can get to work again — like they did when you were younger.

One way they'll start working is by boosting the skin's production of ceramides.7 Ceramides make a 'seal' on the top layer of the epidermis so it can keep moisture IN and hazards OUT.

And Resveratrol is at the forefront of this transformation. 

This powerful compound has been recognised for promoting positive bacteria change, nourishing the beneficial bacteria that your skin already possesses.

By harnessing Resveratrol, you empower these friendly microbes to become more robust, allowing them to maintain dominance over harmful ones.

As a result, the beneficial bacteria can rejuvenate their vital functions, reminiscent of their activity in your skin's youth.

Unfortunately, there are few skincare products on the market that contain this all important ingredient.

Because frankly, microbiome health is still a really new idea in the skincare world…

That's why you probably haven't seen the results you wanted with the products you've been using…

They're missing the KEY element scientists now know is CRUCIAL for making skin look fresher, smoother, and firmer.

And that's why after analysing hundreds of otherwise effective skincare ingredients, I found only a handful that promise skin-rejuvenating results AND support microbiome health.

3 skincare ingredients shown to support the microbiome layer & make the skin look younger

The first ingredient is Italian Red Grapes, which are packed full of Resveratrol. 

As mentioned above, Resveratrol FULLY supports microbiome layer health while producing astounding skin-renewing results!

It also to promotes skin elasticity and reduces inflammation.

Now, if you were to use Resveratrol on its own, you could easily revitalise ageing skin to look years, if not decades, younger...

But remember these photos? 

The women in these photos used ALL THREE of the skincare ingredients I'm sharing with you today... and that's why their skin look impressively younger...

So, let's get into the second ingredient...

It's a potent blend of Aloe Vera & Almond Oil. 

And just like Resveratrol, Aloe Vera & Almond Oil targets the skin's base layer. 

Because of this, it has an amazing capacity to push nutrients deeper into your dermal fabric.

This deep delivery is crucial for revitalising your complexion, actively reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and promoting a fuller, more youthful skin texture.

It's not just surface-level care; it's deep, transformative nourishment where your skin needs it most.

But it doesn't stop there. 

This truly amazing blend also makes your skin look plumper, smoother, and bouncier — by boosting its hydration levels.

If combined, Resveratrol and Aloe Vera & Almond Oil blend can "reset" anyone's skin to look dramatically younger in an incredibly short period of time.

But I promised you one more ingredient to keep an eye out for…

The third ingredient is Zinc, and it works by signalling your skin to make new cells — so that skin becomes stronger and denser

Like the skin of a twenty-year-old!

Now, when you're young, your skin renews about every 30 days.

During this time, new skin cells travel up from the skin's base layer to the skin's surface.

But as you age, the skin's base layer stops making up as many new cells...

And cell turnover on the skin's surface can take twice as long — up to 60 days.

Without enough new PLUMP skin cells to replace old skin cells, the skin's surface layer becomes thinner, fragile, and more wrinkled.

So, if you want your skin to regain a firmer, denser, and smoother look… you'd need to jumpstart new skin cell production in the skin's base layer again.

This is where Zinc comes in...

You see, Zinc plays a major role in every phase of skin renewal -  membrane repair, oxidative stress, inflammation, and tissue regeneration.

But Zinc deficiency is often found in those over 40. 

This means that adding Zinc to your skincare routine can dramatically transform anyone's skin to look and feel denser, plumper, and younger — FAST.

After tweaking the composition and running countless lab tests…

We were finally ready for the ultimate test — on real people, with real skin concerns.

So I gathered a group of volunteers ages 55-80 and asked them to only use this new formula. I wanted them to report how it transformed their skin entirely on its own - with no other skincare products in the mix.

And what came next really excited me…


96% said their wrinkles & fine lines looked reduced

96% said their skin tone appeared more even

92% said their skin felt more taut (firmer)

92% said their skin looked more younger

Here's what Carolyn, aged 71, had to say:

"I feel this product has noticeably improved every one of my ageing skin issues. My skin looks and feels lifted and even had a healthy glow within one week. It helped with bags under my eyes and fine wrinkles. I'm excited to see more results over the next coming weeks. Love it so far!"

But the longer the volunteers used this formula, the better their skin became.

After trying the formula for one month, 96% of participants said their skin looked younger — that’s almost every person in this trial.

Here’s what Tracey, age 54, said about her experience:

"My skin has aged considerably in the last five years and this formula has given me those years back. My skin improvement is immediately apparent."

These initial testimonials were just the tip of the iceberg...

Since launching, this formula has helped thousands of users achieve the skin of their dreams.

And now, it can do the same for you.

Remember those incredible photos I showed you earlier?

Those results were from using THIS formula.

And now, YOU too can experience the solution that made it all possible.

Deep Regenerating Complex

  • Significantly reduces the look of deep wrinkles and lines
  • Makes sagging skin appear more taut and lifted
  • Provides deep moisture that plumps, and smooths

Deep Regenerating Complex is designed to be applied at night — and it works with your skin's natural nighttime repair cycle for intensified skin-renewing results.

Because of this intensified delivery method, most people see incredible results — smoother, tighter, and more radiant skin — after using the product only 2-3 times.

But don't worry — it won't transfer on your pillow.

In fact, it melts into your skin in a matter of minutes, like a cream moisturiser would...

But unlike a moisturiser that quickly evaporates...

Deep Regenerating Complex uses a unique technology to form a protective 'seal' on your skin while you sleep.

This seal helps lock in moisture, balance the skin's outermost microbiome layer, and "push" skin-renewing ingredients deep into your skin.

And more importantly, Deep Regenerating Complex can be used entirely on its owned... or layered on as the last step in your skincare routine. 

If you've never tried a nighttime product before, you're going to LOVE your results.

Just take a look at the improvements after 1 week of use. 

So, if your skin doesn’t look as beautiful as it used to...

Or if you look in the mirror and only see “problems that need fixing” instead of a reflection you love...

I created this formula for YOU.

Take a look at what Julie, aged 58, had to say about her transformation:

"I feel I am doing something significant for the health of my skin. People have been telling me that my skin is glowing, so I'm sure it's due to Deep Regenerating Complex. I am noticing a significant decrease in the appearance of wrinkles and I no longer feel as though my skin is drying up!"

It doesn't matter how deep your wrinkles are...

How “far gone” you think your skin is…

Or how many other products you’ve tried…

There’s never been anything like this formula to reduce the look of wrinkles, enlarged pores, uneven tone, and loss of firmness.

So, if you haven’t tried it yet, it might be THE ONE thing you’ve been waiting for.

Now, because microbiome-balancing technology is still fairly new, it might be awhile before you see it on the mass market.

But I predict every major skincare brand will come out with a microbiome-balancing product within the next year.

In fact, some smaller brands already have.

But unlike Deep Regenerating Complex, which is loaded with proven skin-renewing ingredients, these few other formulas fall short.

For example, one “bacteria-minimising” mask from a celebrity dermatologist’s brand — I can’t say who — costs £160.

AND that’s the price for a one time use! And it’s mainly designed as an acne treatment, nothing more.

And while that may be too high for a one-time use product, daily-use products aren’t priced any better.

A skincare line from Milan charges £255 for its “treatment essence”…

These products do not signal your skin to make thicker, plumper, smoother skin like Deep Regenerating Complex does.

So, if I priced Deep Regenerating Complex at £200, it would be a steal compared to other microbiome-inspired products…

But I want everyone to feel beautiful in their skin…

And I don’t agree in marking up prices just because something is new and “exclusive.”

Which is why you won’t pay £200, or even £150 to try Deep Regenerating Complex.

Unlike other brands that rely on expensive marketing and retail locations to sell their products, Tonik Skincare products come directly to you.

This allows me to cut out unnecessary markups and offer you huge savings. That’s why Deep Regenerating Complex is sold on my website for just £99 per bottle.

But because you’re still with me at this point, I know you’re serious about improving your skin…

So today only, you won't pay £99.

As a thank you for sticking with me up to this point...

I'm giving you an exclusive discount on Deep Regenerating Complex: only £49.97.

That's 50% off the regular retail price.

But this special offer is ONLY available through today’s link for the first 2,500 customers:

When you order today, you'll be protected by our "Bottom of the Bottle" 90-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Meaning you can try Deep Regenerating Complex for a full three months completely risk-free.

And if Deep Regenerating Complex doesn’t make you excited to look in the mirror…

If it doesn’t make you want to tell your friends about the amazing results you’ve been seeing…

Heck, if it doesn't make you want to show off your new look on Facebook...

In other words — if it doesn’t completely change your life for the better — simply contact our dedicated customer service team for a no-questions asked refund.

Think of it like trying this skin-transforming formula for free.

But don’t wait too long to make up your mind…

Like I said, we’re only extending this offer to the first 2,500 customers.

And if you click out of this screen, you won’t see this offer again.

So please, don’t miss your chance for smoother, healthier, younger-looking skin…

Remember, your entire order is risk-free
These discounted prices will not last…
And there is limited inventory available today.

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